Networked charging stations. With modular adaptability to meet your requirements.
Electromobility is one of the most important growth markets. A tight network of charging stations is an essential basic requirement, as the companies driving the energy revolution are increasing the pace of charging infrastructure expansion.

Meeting challenges
The electromobility market is booming, resulting in a steep rise in demand for new charging stations. There is an increasing need for public charging facilities, but access to a private charging infrastructure is also a significant factor. The ultimate goal is to provide the largest possible number of charging points.
These charging points must be user-friendly, so the user experience and user interface play a decisive role. As well as being easy to operate, charging stations must also be failure-proof and distributed according to need. In order to assess whether distribution of the charging stations really meets the requirements, companies must monitor the locations of the charging points.
Modular solution
We have developed a networking solution to fulfil the requirements of the market. Our solution is robust, versatile, easy to use and reliably networked. To ensure that we can meet your exact individual requirements, our solution consists of modular elements which can be assembled according to what is needed. Do you need a web panel for visualisation purposes? Or perhaps a comprehensive package which includes web panel, software and additional services such as monitoring or SIM card management? No problem – we will supply the perfect solution, individually adapted to your needs.
User-friendly operation especially for charging stations at home
Needs-based distribution of charging stations
Failure-proof reliability because more and more cars now require a charging station

Planning and development of an individual solution
Software; charging and load management provided by partners
Connected to mobile phone network
Reliable networking; safety concepts
User-friendly display; IoT gateway
SIM card management; updates / upgrades
At a glance
Our IoT solution
- Modular solution for networking
- Solution for all spaces – indoor and outdoor
IoT added values
Sustainable advantages
- User-friendly user interface
- Customised software
- Reliability

Any questions?
Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Ulrich Lütke Entrup
Ulrich Lütke Entrup is an engineer of automation technology and has been an experienced contact person for all solutions of Janz Tec AG for 20 years. As Senior Key Account Manager he is the right contact for all your questions.